When you’re just starting out, one of the most challenging principles in landscape design is scale and pacing – understanding the application of size, shape and colour. You need to understand how to make the most of certain elements and to create a sense of cohesion so that you can make the most of your design. The key is to add and blend design elements in such a way that the environment won’t appear monotonous or overwhelming – this should be one of the main focuses included in your project.

When you buy a house, most people intend to live there for many years but things can change. You get older, you like different things, your priorities shift; your tastes can grow as the years’ pass – this also holds true with your landscape design. Nothing has to stay the same forever and your landscaping should be an ever-changing part of your home so allow it to evolve and change as you do. Try to envision the future for you and your family – what happens when the kids grow up and move out of the house? Is there a plan in place for the area that they used to play in? Can it be converted into something else? Something else better suited to your current lifestyle?

A landscaping project is hard work and can be a long haul but try to remember to enjoy the process as much as possible and have fun. After all, you’re creating an environment of fun and relaxation for you, your family and friends to enjoy for years to come. Making decisions regarding your landscaping design is not easy; just remember to take your time, plan your work and then work your plan. These landscaping tips are a great place to start and should provide you with solid direction and enable you to choose an appealing design pretty easily.